A lover of love, golden glows + special chapters

Hi, again! 

I’m Cara, a wedding and lifestyle photographer based in Wingham, Ontario. I specialize in telling your love story and defining your connection through digital photographs. I believe that photos should capture a moment in time and create a lifelong memory. This means that I will be there for every step of your life. Think of it like a forever friendship where I will flourish with you while capturing your growing circle.

I grew up in a small town and chased the sunset glow with my camera in hand for as long as I can rememer. I first started my business in high school with sports photography before I quickly found my passion for couples, their love stories and each chapter of life that they experience. I am married to my elementary school sweetheart, and we share the gracious gift of our sweet daughter, an upcoming arrival of our second little in the Spring of 2024, and the joy of our fur baby, Archie. After planning a wedding and getting married during the COVID-19 pandemic to growing my family, I feel that my purpose is to share the need for capturing each stage of life that you are in. One day, photographs will be the only thing that we will have to look back on and I don’t want anyone to miss out on that gift. 

My Goal

My couples and families value sessions where they can feel vulnerable, silly, intimate and passionate. Truly, a session is the best way to spend time with your favourite people as we include unique details that speak to your relationship, who your are as individuals and as a team. I’ll have you dancing in the streets, whispering sweet somethings in each other’s ear and holding onto that special moment in a way that you will treasure forever.

I enjoy the feeling of giving a gift that will last a lifetime when delivering images. I am grateful every single day for the ability to work with such amazing people, and to be a part of some of their biggest chapters in life. I will never take it for granted.

Headshot of Cara Gilhula Photography